“Jay Clayton Live at Jazz Alley” Julian Priester, Stanley Cowell, Gary Peacock, Jerry Granelli (ITM Records)
“Vocal Summit “Conference of the Birds” Jay Clayton, Urszula Dudziak, Norma Winstone, Michele Hendricks (ITM Records)
“Sound Songs” Jay Clayton/ Jerry Granelli (IMT Records)
Quartet “No Secrets” Jay Clayton, Julian Priester, Gary Peacock, Jerry Granelli (New Albion Records)
“Navigator” Paul McCandless, Jay Clayton (Landslide Records)
“Music for Mallets, Voices, and Organ” Steve Reich, Jay Clayton (Nonesuch Records)
“String Trio of New York and Jay Clayton” (Westwind)
“Natural Sounds” Kirk Nurock , Jay Clayton (Labor Records)
“Tito’s Acid Trip” Jay Clayton/Jim Knapp Collective with Aaron Alexander, Phil Sparks, Brad Schoeppach (ITM Records)
Vocal Summit “Sorrow Is Not Forever, Love Is” Jay Clayton, Urszula Dudziak, Jeanne Lee, Lauren Newton, Bobby McFerrin (Moers Music)
“All Out” Jay Clayton, Jane Ira Bloom, Larry Karush, Harvie Swartz, Frank Clayton (Anima Records)
“Go Again” Don Lanphere, Jay Clayton (Hep Records)
“Spihumonesty” Muhal Richard Abrams, Jay Clayton (Black Saint)
“As Tears Go By” Jay Clayton/John Lindberg (ITM Records)
“She’s Asleep” John Cage, Jay Clayton (Tomato Records)